The Philosophy: Evolu
Evolutionary Astrology. It's most basic principle is right in its name: that humans evolve, over the course of their life as well as from lifetime to lifetime. Reincarnation is at the core of evolutionary astrology philosophy, but it's not so much a doctrine as it is a natural observation in that babies and children don't seem to be entirely a product of their environment; there seems to be something inherent in their personality, their needs and desires (above merely the physical needs for food and emotional need for safety & love). There is 'someone home' even in a new being, so evolutionary astrology seeks to understand what came before.
Evolutionary astrology orients around the natal chart from the perspective that the chart reflects the past, the present, and the future. The chart reveals the past by showing the orientation of the soul as it entered this life, and what came before. It reveals the future by illustrating what the purpose of the incarnation is and why someone has the birth chart they have in the first place. The present unfolds in the entire dynamic of the natal chart 'toolbox' as we make choices in how to use those tools over the course of our life.
What is the natural orientation of this soul and what did this soul
bring forward with it as it begins this life? What is the purpose for
the incarnation at all? What has this soul come to learn or experience?
Evolutionary astrology looks at these questions by looking at the birth
chart as essentially the toolbox, the character traits that soul has
come to develop and the lessons its come to learn to fulfill it's reason
for the incarnation to begin with. The birth chart is not what you are,
it's what you're becoming.
In a way, evolutionary astrology is very similar to psychological astrology or any kind of spiritual/karmic view of astrology. It is about digging deeper than prediction or character trait analysis, to reveal the chart as a more dynamic soul plan rather than just a snapshot of one's sealed fate. Evolutionary astrology also comes with a set of techniques that further differentiate it.
The Techniques: Pluto and the Nodes
Aside from the fact that evolutionary astrology interprets every sign, planet, and house as a range of possibilities rather than the perspective of fate or only a possibility of one outcome, such as Saturn in the 7th house means you'll never marry or Jupiter in the 2nd house means you'll be rich, there are techniques above and beyond this perspective to coax forth the past and future elements of the chart.
The Lunar Nodes2
To put it simply, the South Node of the Moon, and everything connected with it, including the sign and house placement, its sign ruler, and any planets in aspect to it, tell the story of the past life or lives: what came before. The North Node of the Moon, its sign ruler, and any planets in aspect to it, tell the story of the way forward: the purpose of incarnation. The planets in aspect to either node as well as their planetary sign rulers have a dual meaning: how to develop and use what the planet represents as a tool in the present life and how it's been a factor in past life conditioning as well.
Pluto and Pluto's Polarity Point
There are several ways that the techniques of Jeff Green and Steven Forrest differ. However, one of the primary differences is in the use of Pluto. Students of Steven Forrest use the south node condition as described above to reveal the past life intent & desires and the north node condition as the future intent, the way forward. Students of Jeff Green use Pluto as representative of the soul's past intent & desires and the opposite 'empty space' of Pluto, it's "polarity point", to represent the future intent, the way forward. The north and south nodes of the moon are still used, but as a further illustration of how Pluto and its polarity point are actualized in the life.
This material, regardless of method, is rich and vast, and its nuances astounding, but those stories lie outside of this simple Introduction to Evolutionary Astrology.
1 For a more formal list of the core elements of Evolutionary Astrology's philosophy:
2 The north and south lunar nodes are not planets, they are found by looking at where the Moon crosses the path of the Sun as it appears to circle the
earth, which it will do twice: once going north, once going south.
Want to learn Evolutionary Astrology? Contact Amy for formal study options. Here are some self-study options:
Recommended Reading
By Amy Herring:
- Astrology of the Moon (the natal & progressed moon - the evolution of the heart)
- The Inner Sky (natal)
- The Book of Pluto (natal)
- The Changing Sky (transits & progressions)
- Skymates 1 (Synastry) and 2 (Composite)
- Yesterday's Sky (past lives and the nodes)
- Pluto Vol 1: The Evolutionary Journey of the Soul (natal)
- Pluto Vol 2: The Soul's Evolution Through Relationships (natal but in view of relationship needs)
- Evolutionary Astrology: Pluto and Your Karmic Mission / Deva Green
- Forthcoming: Insights into Evolutionary Astrology / Jeff Green and more, edited by Rose Marcus
great post this will enhance the reader.
very informative articles.
thanks for sharing.
Posted by: tummy tuck | June 29, 2010 at 11:22 PM